for photographers
Photographer application
Thank you so much for your interest in becoming a Magic Hour Photographer! We are so thankful for all our volunteers and their work for our families and pet owners.
The Magic Hour Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that facilitates the photography of cancer fighters and survivors. We help individuals and pets diagnosed with cancer of any form. No matter the prognosis, the fight is still waged, and we support you, including those who have won their battle with cancer.
All photographers are volunteering their time to the Magic Hour Foundation to help families and pet owners.
This agreement sets out details between the volunteer photographer and The Magic Hour Foundation (“MHF”). Your information will be reviewed upon completion of this form. If the criteria are met (please see volunteer information for specific criteria), you will be accepted as a volunteer photographer for The Magic Hour Foundation.
Volunteer Photographer Requirements
What requirements do I need to Meet?
You need to be a professional photographer, earning at least a portion of your income through your business.
You need a dedicated website that shows your experience in family and portrait photography.
You need access to professional equipment and editing software.
You cannot be a convicted felon.
Volunteer Photographer Responsibilities
What Do I do As a Magic Hour Volunteer?
What are my responsibilities?
Respond as quickly as possible when contacted by a Magic Hour representative. We may be trying to place an urgent request, so timely communication is key.
Once you are matched with a recipient, please contact them by phone and email within 1-2 business days to make arrangements for your shoot.
Be courteous, kind, and patient during your shoot.
Please do everything in your power to make it to your shoot. If you need to cancel, let us know as soon as possible so we can find another photographer.
For non-critical cases, you should upload session photos within 3 weeks. Critical cases may require the images sooner.
The recipient should receive 20-40 images for single-subject or couples shoots and 40-60 images for family shoots.
Agree to release your rights to these images to the Magic Hour Foundation. We will not sell or profit from your images; this policy is solely to ensure our applicants’ privacy will be respected as requested.
Frequently asked Questions
It is not uncommon for recipients to cancel their sessions due to health concerns. In this event, you can choose to “adopt” this family and find a new date that works for them. Or, you may simply let them know that this was the only date that fit your schedule, and we will match them with a new photographer. Please let us know as soon as possible about this event.
Use your own personal style, but photos should be natural and focused on people and relationships rather than props or clever posing. Images should be processed in a more natural way with minimal color effects or vignetting.
Yes. We ask that you do your best when a request arises, but we do not expect you to drop your paying clients for one of our sessions. If you cannot accept, please let us know as soon as possible so we can reach out to more photographers.
Due to patient privacy, we ask every recipient for specific permission to use their session on our website and yours. You will be notified if they have given you permission to share your session.
Images will be uploaded using WeTransfer or SmugMug. After your session, you will receive the download link.
We would be honored if you shared your Magic Hour Foundation photographer status on your website.
apply now
Photographer application
Please review our Terms & Conditions page before filling out this form.